Watson has arrived in his new foster home!

Well the boy is a cutie! He could be gobbled up quick. He has a full belly and had his load of hugs and kisses from the West children. He is bigger than his photos. He does bay at the moon!!! He howled for a good 15-20 seconds before we realized it was him. (Our old tree walker used to do that to the Tornado siren testing the first Tuesday at 10:00 every month!)

He is skittish on the tile floor and knows how to go upstairs but not a fan favorite of walking down the stairs. He has his vetting appt tomorrow and is resting comfortably in the kennel, although he rolled up tight as a ball on the deck to sleep for the night. He and Ella are ignoring each other, but he did clean her ears for her!! She enjoyed that! He has some curly hair and is comfortable around people but not so comfortable outside!

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