Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Letter from Watson to Sherlock
My dearest friend Sherlock,
It seems like it has been a very long time since we have been investigating together. I have had a great time on my own and have met a lot of wonderful people in the weeks since our separation.
I want you to know that I have traveled extensively and I am now in St Paul, MN, with a wonderful, caring lady named Debbie whose back yard reminds me so much of Scotland Yard. It has been quite a journey to get to this point, I must say, but it has been worth it. We did make a stop yesterday at Burr Oak Winery in New Lisbon, WI and during my brief investigation of the area, I heard several gun shots. Boy did that make my tail stand up. It reminded me of our trips together in Indiana.
I hope all is well with you my good friend and that together we may solve the case of the missing adopters. I will always remember what you told me in “The Adventure of Black Peter” and that was “There can be no question, my dear Watson, of the value of exercise before breakfast.”
So Holmes, until we meet again.
Your dear friend Dr Watson
It seems like it has been a very long time since we have been investigating together. I have had a great time on my own and have met a lot of wonderful people in the weeks since our separation.
I want you to know that I have traveled extensively and I am now in St Paul, MN, with a wonderful, caring lady named Debbie whose back yard reminds me so much of Scotland Yard. It has been quite a journey to get to this point, I must say, but it has been worth it. We did make a stop yesterday at Burr Oak Winery in New Lisbon, WI and during my brief investigation of the area, I heard several gun shots. Boy did that make my tail stand up. It reminded me of our trips together in Indiana.
I hope all is well with you my good friend and that together we may solve the case of the missing adopters. I will always remember what you told me in “The Adventure of Black Peter” and that was “There can be no question, my dear Watson, of the value of exercise before breakfast.”
So Holmes, until we meet again.
Your dear friend Dr Watson
Sunday, November 12, 2006
A welcome overnight guest...

Watson will be on his way to St Paul, MN later today. We have had him for just one night and he has won our hearts. I told Debbie that if we had him for 2 nights we would keep him. He gets along great with our other 2 dogs, loves to play and loved our 6 year old granddaughter. He sat on her lap all the way home on Saturday.Watson will make a great dog for someone. He is a lover for sure. We enjoyed having him stay with us.
Greg and Patricia Holden

Monday, November 06, 2006
Watson has arrived in his new foster home!

Well the boy is a cutie! He could be gobbled up quick. He has a full belly and had his load of hugs and kisses from the West children. He is bigger than his photos. He does bay at the moon!!! He howled for a good 15-20 seconds before we realized it was him. (Our old tree walker used to do that to the Tornado siren testing the first Tuesday at 10:00 every month!)

He is skittish on the tile floor and knows how to go upstairs but not a fan favorite of walking down the stairs. He has his vetting appt tomorrow and is resting comfortably in the kennel, although he rolled up tight as a ball on the deck to sleep for the night. He and Ella are ignoring each other, but he did clean her ears for her!! She enjoyed that! He has some curly hair and is comfortable around people but not so comfortable outside!

Watson during his transport

Saturday, November 04, 2006
Watson arrives at his temporary foster home

It took him a little bit of time to settle in. He sniffed out the house and did take time to lay down, just long enough to partake in a smoked chicken roll rawhide stick---but then he wanted to be on the move again.
Watson does love to snuggle. I don't think he's been allowed inside a home before, but it didn't take him more than a moment to jump up on the couch and lay in my lap to get some loving.

He did sleep quietly in his crate at night, until one of my fur kids walked by in the early morning---then you could hear a bit of heart-rendering puppy howling going on. He just wanted to be out there with the rest.

Friday, November 03, 2006
Watson is safe!!

Thanks to a shelter employee with a heart for rescue, who didn't give up and spread the word about these two little guys, Illinois Birddog Rescue was finally able to take them in, when foster homes became available.